
This is an old revision of the document!

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Sourcery CodeBench Lite Edition

Build from source

What we need:

Compile and Run

Compile to Assembler for viewing

mipsel-none-elf-gcc -S fir.c

The output is fir.s which is the assembler code.

Compile and link ready for simulation with instruction set simulator

mipsel-none-elf-gcc -o fir -Tidt.ld fir.c

Run the code

mipsel-none-elf-run fir


Produce an annoted source code

gcc -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -o fir fir.c


gcov fir.c

Run with instruction tracing in the simulator

mipsel-none-elf-run –trace-insn=on –trace-file trace fir

  • mips_cross_compiler.1364981243.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013/04/03 11:27
  • by beckmanf