
um 830




Fitte II






Thô uuar{d} thiu tîd cuman, –| [that] thar gitald habdun


uuîsa man mid uuordun, –| that scolda thana uuîh godes

Zacharias bisehan.| Thô uuar{d} thar gisamnod filu

thar te Hierusalem| [Iudeo] liudi,

uuerodes te them uuîha,| thar sie uualdand god

suuî{d}o theolîco| thiggean scoldun,


hêrron is huldi,| that sie he{b}ancuning

lê{d}es alêti.| Thea liudi stôdun

umbi that hêlaga hûs,| endi geng im the [gihêrodo] man

an thana uuîh innan.| That uuerod ô{d}ar bêd

umbi thana alah ûtan,| Ebreo liudi,


[huuan êr] the frôdo man| gifrumid habdi

uualdandes uuilleon.| Sô he thô thana uuîrôc drôg,

[ald] aftar them alaha,| endi umbi thana altari geng

mid is rôcfatun| rîkiun thionon,

– [fremida] ferhtlîco| frâon sînes,


godes iungarskepi| gerno suuî{d}o

mid hluttru hugi,| sô man hêrren scal

[gerno] fulgangan –,| [grurios quâmun] im,

egison an them alahe:| hie gisah thar aftar thiu ênna engil godes

an them uuîhe innan,| [the] sprac im mid is uuordun tuo,


hiet that fruod gumo| foroht ni uuâri,

hiet that hie im ni andriede:| «thîna dâdi sind», qua{d} he,

«uualdanda uuer{d}e| endi thîn uuord sô self,

thîn thionost is im an thanke,| that thu sulica githâht ha{b}es

an is ênes craft.| Ic is engil bium,


Gabriel bium ic hêtan,| the gio for goda standu,

anduuard for them alouualdon,| ne sî that he me an is [ârundi huarod]

sendean uuillea.| Nu hiet he me an thesan sî{d} faran,

hiet that ic thi [thoh] gicû{d}di,| that thi kind giboran,

fon thînera alderu idis| ôdan scoldi


uuer{d}an an thesero uueroldi,| uuordun spâhi.

That ni scal an is li{b}a gio| lî{d}es [anbîtan],

uuînes an is uueroldi:| sô ha{b}ed im uurdgiscapu,

metod gimarcod| endi maht godes.

Hêt that ic thi thoh sagdi,| that it scoldi gisî{d} uuesan


he{b}ancuninges,| hêt that [git] it heldin uuel,

tuhin thurh treuua,| qua{d} that he im tîras sô filu

an godes rîkea| forge{b}an uueldi.

He qua{d} that the gôdo gumo| Iohannes te namon

hebbean scoldi,| [gibôd] that [git it] hêtin sô,


that kind, than it quâmi,| qua{d} that it Kristes gisî{d}

an thesaro uuîdun uuerold| uuer{d}an scoldi,

is sel{b}es sunies,| endi qua{d} that [sie sliumo] herod

an is [bodskepi]| bê{d}e quâmin.»

Zacharias thô gimahalda| endi uui{d} [sel{b}an] sprac


drohtines engil,| endi im thero dâdeo bigan,

uundron thero uuordo:| «huuô mag that giuuer{d}an sô», qua{d} he,

«aftar an aldre?| it is unc al te lat

sô te giuuinnanne,| sô thu mid thînun uuordun [gisprikis].

Huuanda uuit habdun aldres êr| efno tuêntig


uuintro an uncro uueroldi,| êr than quâmi [thit] uuîf te mi;

than uuârun uuit nu atsamna| [antsi{b}unta] uuintro

gibenkeon endi gibeddeon,| si{d}or ic sie mi te brûdi gecôs.

Sô uuit [thes] an uncro iugu{d}i| [gigirnan] ni mohtun,

that uuit er{b}iuuard| êgan môstin,


fôdean an uncun flettea,| nu uuit sus gifrôdod sint

– ha{b}ad unc eldi binoman| elleandâdi,

that uuit sint an uncro siuni gislekit| endi an uncun sîdun lat;

flêsk is unc [antfallan],| fel unscôni,

is unca [lud] gili{d}en,| lîk [gidrusnod],


sind unca andbâri| ô{d}arlîcaron,

môd endi megincraft –,| sô uuit giu sô managan dag

uuârun an thesero uueroldi,| sô mi thes uundar thunkit,

[huuô] it sô giuuer{d}an mugi,| sô thu mid thînun uuordun [gisprikis].»