
um 830










| Thô imu thar te bedu gihnêg,

thô uuar{d} imu thar uppe| ô{d}arlîcora

uuliti endi giuuâdi:| uur{d}un imu is uuangun liohte,


blîcandi sô [thiu berhte sunne]:| sô skên that barn godes,

liuhte is lîchamo:| liomon stôdun

uuânamo fan themu uualdandes barne;| uuar{d} is geuuâdi sô huît

sô snêu te sehanne.| Thô uuar{d} thar seldlîc thing

giôgid aftar thiu:| Elias endi Moyses


quâmun thar te Criste| uui{d} sô craftagne

uuordun uuehslean.| Thar uuar{d} sô uunsam sprâka,

sô gôd uuord undar gumun,| thar the godes sunu

uui{d} thea mârean man| mahlien uuelde,

sô blî{d}i uuar{d} uppan themu berge:| skên that berhte lioht,


uuas thar gard gôdlic| endi grôni [uuang],

paradise gelîc.| Petrus thô gimahalde,

heli{d} hardmôdig| endi te is hêrron sprac,

grôtte thene godes sunu:| «gôd is [it] hêr te uuesanne,

ef thu it gikiosan uuili,| Crist alouualdo,


that man thi hêr an thesaru hôhe| ên hûs geuuirkea,

mârlîco gemaco| endi Moysese ô{d}er

endi Eliase thriddea:| thit is ôdas hêm,

uuelono uunsamost.»| Reht sô he thô that uuord gesprak,

sô [tilêt] thiu luft an tuê:| lioht uuolcan [skên],


glîtandi glîmo,| endi thea gôdun man

uulitiscôni beuuarp.| Thô fan themu uuolcne quam

hêlag stemne godes,| endi them heli{d}un thar

sel{b}o sagde,| that that is sunu uuâri,

libbiendero lio{b}ost:| «an themu mi lîcod uuel


an mînun hugiskeftiun.| Themu gi hôrien sculun,

fulgangad imu gerno.»| Thô ni mahtun thea iungaron Cristes

thes uuolcnes uuliti| endi uuord godes,

thea is mikilon maht| thea man antstanden,

ac sie bifellun thô for{d}uuardes:| ferhes ni uuândun,


lengiron lî{b}es.| Thô geng im tô the landes uuard,

behrên sie mid is handun| hêleandero bezt,

hêt that sie im ni andrêdin:| «ni scal iu hêr derien eouuiht,

thes gi hêr seldlîkes| giseen habbiad,

mêriaro thingo.»| Thô eft them mannun uuar{d}


hugi at iro herton| endi gihêlid môd,

gibade an iro breostun:| gisâhun that barn godes

ênna standen,| uuas that o{d}er thô,

behliden himiles lioht.| Thô giuuêt imu the hêlago Crist

fan themu berge ni{d}er;| gibôd aftar thiu


iungarun sînun,| that sie o{b}ar Iudeono folc

ni sagdin thea gisioni:| «er than ik sel{b}o [hêr]

suî{d}o diurlîco| fan dô{d}e astande,

arîse fan theru restu:| sî{d}or mugun gi it rekkien for{d},

mârien o{b}ar middilgard| managun thiodun


uuîdo aftar thesaru uueroldi.»|