
um 830










Sie ni uueldun it thoh farlâten,| ac hêtun thar lêdien for{d}

ên uuîf for themu uuerode,| thiu habde uuam gefrumid,

unreht ênfald:| thiu idis uuas bifangen

an farlegarnessi,| uuas iro lî{b}es scolo,

that sie firiho barn| ferahu binâmin,


êhtin iro aldres:| sô uuas an iro êu gescri{b}en.

Sie bigunnun ina thô frâgon,| [fruokne] liudi,

uurê{d}a mid iro uuordun,| huat sie scoldin themu uuî{b}e duan,

hue{d}er sie sie quelidin,| the sie sie quica lêtin,

[the] huat he umbi sulica dâdi| adêlien uueldi:


«thu uuêst, huô thesaru menegi», quâ{d}un sie,| «Moyses gibôd

uuârun uuordun,| that allaro uuî{b}o gehuilic

an farlegarnessi| lî{b}es faruuarhti

endi that sie than auurpin| uueros mid handun,

starkun stênun:| nu maht thu sie sehan standen hêr


an sundiun bifangan:| saga huat thu [is] uuillies.»

Uueldun ine [thea] uui{d}ersakon| uuordun farfâhen,

ef he that giquâ{d}i,| that sie sie quica lêtin,

fri{d}odi ira ferahe,| than [uueldi] that folc Iudeono

[que{d}en,] that he iro aldiron| êo uui{d}ersagdi,


thero liudio landreht;| ef he sie than hêti lî{b}u binimen,

thea maga{d} fur theru menegi,| than [uueldin sie que{d}en,] that he sô mildiene hugi

ni bâri an is breostun,| sô scoldi habbien barn godes:

uueldun sie sô hue{d}eres| hêlagne Crist

thero uuordo geuuîtnon,| [sô] he thar for themu uuerode gesprâki,


adêldi te dôme.| Than uuisse drohtin Krist

thero manno sô garo| môdgithâhti,

iro uurê{d}on uuilleon;| thô he te themu uuerode sprak,

te allun them erlun:| «sô huilik sô iuuuar âno sî», qua{d} he,

«[slî{d}ea sundeon],| sô [ganga] iru sel{b}o tô


endi sie at êrist| erl mid is handun

[stên ana uuerpe].»| Sô stôdun Iudeon,

thâhtun endi thagodun:| ni mahte thegan nigiean

uui{d} them uuordquidi| [uui{d}ersaca] finden:

gehugde manno gehuilic| mêngithâhti,


is sel{b}es sundea:| ni uuas iro sô sikur ênig,

that he bi [themu uuorde]| themu uuî{b}e gedorsti

stên an uuerpen,| ac lêtun sie standen thar

[ênan] thar inne| endi im ût thanen

gengun gramharde| Iudeo liudi,


ên aftar ô{d}rumu,| antat iro thar ênig ni uuas

thes fîundo folkes,| the iro ferhes [thô],

theru idis aldar[lago]| âhtien uueldi.

Thô gifragn ik that sie frâgode| fri{d}ubarn godes,

allaro gumono [bezt]:| «huar [quâmun thit] Iudeono folc», qua{d} he,


«thine uui{d}ersakon,| thea thi hêr uurôgdun te mi?

Ne sie thi hiudu uuiht| harmes ne [gidâdun],

thea liudi lê{d}es,| the thi uueldun lî{b}u beniman,

uuêgean te uundrun?»| Thô sprak imu eft that uuîf angegin,

qua{d} that iru thar nioman| thurh thes neriandan


hêlaga helpa| harm ne gifrumidi

uuammes te lône.| Thô sprak eft uualdand Crist,

drohtin manno:| «ne ik thi geth [ni] deriu neouuiht», qua{d} he,

«ac gang thi hêl hinen,| lât thi an thînumu hugi sorga,

that thu nio sî{d} aftar thius| [sundig] ni uuer{d}es.»


Habde iru thô giholpen| hêlag barn godes,

gefri{d}ot iro ferahe.| Than stôd that folc Iudeono

u{b}iles anmôd| sô fan êristan,

uurê{d}es uuillean,| huô sie uuordheti

uui{d} that fri{d}ubarn godes| frummien môstin.


Habdun thea liudi an tuê| mid iro gilô{b}on gifangan:

uuas thiu smale [thioda]| sînes uuillean

gernora mikilu,| thes godes barnes uuord

te gefrummienne,| sô im iro frâho gibôd:

[rômodun te rehta| bet than] thie rîkeon man,


habdun ina far [iro] hêrron| ia far he{b}encuning,

[fulgengun] imu gerno.| Thô giuuêt imu the godes sunu

an thene uuîh innan:| huarf ina uuerod umbi,

meginthiodo gimang.| He an middien stôd,

lêrde thea liudi| liohtun uuordun,


hlûdero stemnun:| uuas hlust mikil,

thagode thegan manag,| endi he theru thiod gibôd,

sô hue sô thar mid thurstu| bithuungan uuâri,

«sô ganga imu herod drincan te mi», qua{d} he,| «dago gehuilikes

[suôties] brunnan.| Ik mag [seggian iu],


sô hue sô hêr gilô{b}id te mi| liudio barno

fasto undar thesumu folke,| that imu than flioten sculun

fan is lîchamon| libbiendi flôd,

[irnandi] uuater,| ahospring mikil,

kumad thanen quica brunnon.| Thesa quidi uuer{d}ad uuâra,


liudiun gilêstid,| sô huemu sô hêr gilô{b}id te mi.»

Than mênde mid thiu uuataru| [uualdandeo] Crist,

hêr he{b}encuning| hêlagna gêst,

huô thene firiho barn| antfâhen scoldin,

lioht endi [listi| endi] lîf êuuig,


[hôh he{b}enrîki]| endi huldi godes.