
um 830




Fitte XLV






[Thô nâhide]| neriendo Crist,

the gôdo te Hierusalem.| Quam imu thar tegegnes filu

uuerodes an uuilleon| uuel huggendies,

antfengun ina fagaro| endi imu biforen [streidun]


thene uueg mid iro giuuâdiun| endi mid uurtiun sô same,

mid berhtun blômun| endi mid bômo tôgun,

that feld mid fagaron palmun,| al sô is fard geburide,

that the godes sunu| gangan uuelde

te theru mârean burg.| Huarf ina megin umbi


[liudio] an lustun,| endi lofsang [ahôf]

that uuerod an uuilleon:| sagdun uualdande thank,

thes thar sel{b}o quam| sunu Dauides

uuîson thes uuerodes.| Thô gesah uualdand Krist

the gôdo te Hierusalem,| gumono bezta,


blîcan thene [burges] uual| endi bû Iudeono,

hôha horn[seli]| endi ôk that hûs godes,

allaro uuîho [uunsamost].| Thô uuel imu an innen

hugi [uui{d}] is herte:| thô ni mahte that hêlage barn

uuôpu auuîsien,| sprak thô uuordo filu


hriuuiglîco –| uuas imu is hugi sêreg –:

«uuê uuar{d} thi, Hierusalem», qua{d} he,| «thes thu te uuârun ni [uuêst]

thea [uurdegiskefti],| the thi noh giuuer{d}en sculun,

huô thu noh [uuir{d}is behabd]| heries craftu

endi thi bisittiad| slî{d}môde man,


fîund mid folcun.| Than ni ha{b}as thu fri{d}u huergin,

mundburd mid mannun:| lêdiad thi hêr manage tô

ordos endi eggia,| orlegas [uuord,]

farfioth thîn folcskepi| fiures liomon,

these [uuîki] auuôstiad,| uuallos hôha


felliad [te foldun:]| ni afstâd is felis nigiean,

stên o{b}ar ô{d}rumu,| ak uuer{d}ad thesa stedi uuôstia

umbi Hierusalem| Iudeo liudeo,

huand sie ni antkenniad,| that im kumana sind

iro tîdi tôuuardes,| ac sie habbiad im tuîflien hugi,


ni uuitun that iro uuîsad| uualdandes craft.»

Giuuêt imu thô mid theru menegi| manno drohtin

an thea berhton burg.| Sô thô that barn godes

innan Hierusalem| mid thiu gumono folcu,

[sêg] mid thiu gesî{d}u,| thô uuar{d} [thar] allaro sango mêst,


hlûd stemnie [afha{b}en]| hêlagun uuordun,

lo{b}odun thene landes uuard| liudio menegi,

barno that bezte;| thiu burg uuar{d} an hrôru,

that folc uuar{d} an forhtun| endi frâgodun sân,

hue that uuâri,| that thar mid [thiu uuerodu] quam,


mid theru mikilon menegi.| Thô sprak im ên man angegin,

qua{d} that thar [Hiesu] Crist| fan Galileo lande,

fan Nazarethburg| neriand quâmi,

uuitig uuârsago| themu uuerode te helpu.

Thô uuas them Iudiun,| the imu êr grame uuârun,


unholde an hugi,| harm an môde,

that imu thea [liudi sô filu]| lofsang uuarhtun,

diurdun iro drohtin.| Thô gengun dolmôde,

that sie uui{d} uualdand Crist| uuordun sprâkun,

bâdun that he that gesî{d}i| suîgon hêti,


letti thea liudi,| that sie imu lof sô filu

uuordun ni uuarhtin:| «it is thesumu uuerode lê{d}», quâ{d}un sie,

«thesun burgliudiun.»| Thô sprak eft that barn godes:

«ef gi sie amerriad», qua{d} he,| «that hêr ni [môtin] manno barn

uualdandes craft| uuordun diurien,


than sculun it hrôpen thoh| harde stênos

for thesumu folcskepi,| felisos starka,

êr than it eo belî{b}e,| [ne{b}o] man is lof [spreke]

uuîdo aftar thesaru [uueroldi.»]| Thô he an thene uuîh innen,

geng an that godes hûs:| fand thar Iudeono filu,


mislîke man,| manage atsamne,

thea im thar côpstedi| gikoran habdun,

mangodun im thar mid manages huî:| muniterias sâtun

an themu uuîhe innan,| habdun iro uuesl gidago

garu te ge{b}anne.| That uuas themu godes barne


al an andun:| drêf sie ut thanen

rûmo fan themu rakude,| qua{d} that uuâri rehtara dâd,

that thar te bedu fôrin| barn Israheles

«endi an thesumu mînumu hûse| helpono [biddean,]

[that sia sigidrohtin| sundiono tuomie,]


than hêr [theo{b}as an]| thingstedi halden,

thea faruuarhton uueros| uuehsal drî{b}an,

unreht ênfald.| Ne gi êniga êra ni uuitun

theses godes hûses,| Iudeo liudi.»

Sô rûmde he thô endi rekode,| rîki drohtin,


that hêlaga hûs| endi an helpun uuas

managumu mankunnie,| them the is mikilon craft

[ferrene] gefrugnun| endi thar gifaran quâmun

o{b}ar langan uueg.| Uuar{d} thar lêf so manag,

halt gihêlid| endi hâf sô same,


blindun gibôtid.| Sô dede that barn godes

uuilliendi [themu] uuerode,| huand al an is giuueldi stêd

umbi thesaro liudio lîf| endi ôk umbi thit land sô same.