German Resume Rockstar (in Englisch)

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This workshop is geared towards international students studying in Germany oder national students who plan on applying for employment opportunities in Germany, in English.

Students will be introduced to the application process in Germany and particularities with applying for work in English in Germany. The bulk of the workshop is centered on equipping students with the knowledge necessary for drafting a resume that speaks to German employers.

Online: 2x 2 hours via Zoom

This Workshop will cover:
- Setting expectations when applying in Englisch + best practices
- Modern application standards and working with templates
- What a master resume is and how to use one
- Section organization an priorization, plus a walk-through of the most important content to include
- Application strategy of applying in Englisch, plus common mistakes of internationals
- A crash course in "Lücken" (gaps in professional history)
- How to leverage initiative applications as an international student
- Applications behind the scene: what are hiring managers looking for?
- Answers to your questions
Dozent Jessica Schüller
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl 30
Anmeldung bis Montag, 25.10.2021 - 10:00 Uhr
Buchungsstatus 30 Plätze frei
Nr. Von Bis Ort
1 Di, 26.10.2021 - 17:30 Uhr Di, 26.10.2021 - 19:30 Uhr Online
2 Di, 09.11.2021 - 17:30 Uhr Di, 09.11.2021 - 19:30 Uhr Online