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Ask a librarian via WhatsApp or Threema


WhatsApp: 0176 26900113

Threema-ID: KHUE9936

WhatsApp, Signal und Threema

Send us your requests (loan period, usage regulations, ...), feedback and comments via Whatsapp or Threema.

Attended service operating time: Mo-Thu 7:30-16 Uhr, Fr 7:30-13:00; no service on holidays

Kontakt zu WhatsApp oder Signal hinzufügen

Scan this QR code to add the library to your contact list (vCard) or add 0176 26900113 manually.


Add  the library's Threema ID (KHUE9936) to your contact list and confirm the contact by scanning this QR code.


"Ask a librarian" via messenger service - notifications


Protect your private data: do not exchange confidentials by messenger services. For confidential communication please contact us personally, by phone (082155863933) or by e-mail ([Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]).

Your phone number and chat history will only be saved until your request is answered. Afterwards, your data will be deleted. We don't pass it on to third parties.

We use WhatsApp and Threema only to answer your requests, not as information channel for library news.

The library's mobile phone is only for receiving and sending text messages via WhatsApp and Threema. We don't answer phone calls this way.

Offensive and spam messages will be deleted immediately, the sender will be blocked.