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Search engine of the library: find books, e-books, reports, articles of journals and much more.

Browse several databases simultaneously with one search term. 

Access to your library account (loan periods, renewals, orders).


Access options


Please note: No connection to the campus network is required for research purpose and access to your library account. For remote full-text access to the library's e-media, please log onto the InfoGuide via EZProxy.

Good to know



Several databases are browsed simultaneously with one search term:

"Catalogues" offers all media of the Library of the University of Applied Sciences Augsburg: books, journals, non-book media, e-books and e-journals. To extend your search over the catalogues of additional libraries, open the "Database selection" menu and activate the respective checkboxes.

"Articles & mores" gives an insight in some of the databases licensed by our library. It offers among others articles of journals or conference proceedings. As only selected content is available this way (e.g. from these sources), we recommend to access the library's databases directly for more up-to-date, comprehensive search results and full-texts.

"Verbundkatalog" is the joint catalogue of all major Bavarian scientific libraries. Printed books and articles not available in Augsburg may be ordered via interlibrary loan.

Please note: The set up of result lists in "Articles & more" and "Verbundkatalog" may take some time.

My details

Sign in your library account with the user number on your CCA and PIN (preset: date of birth, 6 digits, DDMMYY), to check or renew loan periods, make reservations or order books from the stacks.

What's new

Here you find the library's recent accessions of this month.

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