====== 7. Checklist Failsafe ====== - [[searchwing-checklist-operation | Checklist Operation]] - [[searchwing-checklist-station | Checklist Station]] - [[searchwing-checklist-mission | Checklist Mission]] - [[searchwing-checklist-drone | Checklist Drone]] - [[searchwing-checklist-catapult | Checklist Catapult]] - [[searchwing-checklist-net | Checklist Net]] - [[searchwing-checklist-failsafe | Checklist Failsafe]] ===== Pre-Flight ====== - Low Battery Failsafe: - COM_LOW_BAT_ACT = 1 (Return Mode) - BAT_LOW_THR = 0.2 (capacity [%]) - BAT_CRIT_THR = 0.1 (capacity [%]) - BAT_EMERGEN_THR = 0.05 (capacity [%]) - RC Loss Failsafe: - COM_RC_LOSS_T = 0.5 (time to detect RC-loss [s]) - NAV_RCL_ACT = 2 (return Mode) - NAV_RCL_LT = 120 (loiter time to recover RC [s]) - Data Link Loss Failsafe: - COM_DL_LOSS_T = 10 (time to detect datalink-loss [s]) - NAV_DLL_ACT = 0 (no action if datalink-loss) - Geofence Failsafe: - GF_ACTION = 3 (Return Mode) - GF_MAX_HOR_DIST = 3000 (max horizontal distance home-plane [m]) - GF_MAX_VER_DIST = 200 (max vertical distance home-plane [m]) - GF_COUNT = -1 (counter limit to detect Geofence) - Return Home Settings: - RTL_TYPE = 0 (direkt path to home) - RTL_DESCEND_ALT = 100 (altitude to loiter above home [m]) - RTL_LAND_DELAY = 300 (land after delay [s]) - RTL_RETURN_ALT = 100 (altitude to flight to home [m]) - Land Mode Settings: - COM_DISARM_LAND = 1 (disarm after delay [s]) - Position (GPS) Loss Failsafe: - COM_POS_FS_DELAY = 1 (time to detect GPS-loss [s]) - COM_POSCTL_NAVL = 1 (assume no RC -> Land Mode with heigt, Termination without) - NAV_GPSF_LT = 10 (loiter time to recover GPS [s]) - NAV_GPSF_P = 0 (loiter pitch [deg]) - NAV_GPSF_R = 15 (loiter roll [deg]) - NAV_GPSF_TR = 0 (loiter thrust [%]) - Offboard Loss Failsafe - COM_OF_LOSS_T = 0 (time to detect offboard-loss [s]) - Mission Failsafe - MIS_DIST_1WP = 1500 (max distance home-wp1 [m]) - MIS_DIST_WPS = 2000 (max distance wp-wp [m]) - Traffic Avoidance Failsafe - NAV_TRAFF_AVOID = 2 (Return Mode)