
ca. 750


The Scyldings


1 - 85






Hwæt! We Gardena | in geardagum,

theodcyninga, | thrym gefrunon,

hu dha æthelingas | ellen fremedon.


Oft Scyld Scefing | sceathena threatum,


monegum mægthum, | meodosetla ofteah,

egsode eorlas. | Sydhdhan ærest weardh

feasceaft funden, | he thæs frofre gebad,

weox under wolcnum, | weordhmyndum thah,

odhthæt him æghwylc | thara ymbsittendra


ofer hronrade | hyran scolde,

gomban gyldan. | Thæt wæs god cyning!

Dhæm eafera wæs | æfter cenned,

geong in geardum, | thone god sende

folce to frofre; | fyrendhearfe ongeat


the hie ær drugon | aldorlease

lange hwile. | Him thæs liffrea,

wuldres wealdend, | woroldare forgeaf;

Beowulf wæs breme | (blæd wide sprang),

Scyldes eafera | Scedelandum in.


Swa sceal geong guma | gode gewyrcean,

fromum feohgiftum | on fæder bearme,

thæt hine on ylde | eft gewunigen

wilgesithas, | thonne wig cume,

leode gelæsten; | lofdædum sceal


in mægtha gehwære | man getheon.


Him dha Scyld gewat | to gescæphwile

felahror feran | on frean wære.

Hi hyne tha ætbæron | to brimes farodhe,

swæse gesithas, | swa he selfa bæd,


thenden wordum weold | wine Scyldinga;

leof landfruma | lange ahte.

Thær æt hydhe stod | hringedstefna,

isig ond utfus, | æthelinges fær.

Aledon tha | leofne theoden,


beaga bryttan, | on bearm scipes,

mærne be mæste. | Thær wæs madma fela

of feorwegum, | frætwa, gelæded;

ne hyrde ic cymlicor | ceol gegyrwan

hildewæpnum | ond headhowædum,


billum ond byrnum; | him on bearme læg

madma mænigo, | tha him mid scoldon

on flodes æht | feor gewitan.

Nalæs hi hine læssan | lacum teodan,

theodgestreonum, | thon tha dydon


the hine æt frumsceafte | fordh onsendon

ænne ofer ydhe | umborwesende.

Tha gyt hie him asetton | segen geldenne

heah ofer heafod, | leton holm beran,

geafon on garsecg; | him wæs geomor sefa,


murnende mod. | Men ne cunnon

secgan to sodhe, | selerædende,

hæledh under heofenum, | hwa thæm hlæste onfeng.


Dha wæs on burgum | Beowulf Scyldinga,

leof leodcyning, | longe thrage


folcum gefræge | (fæder ellor hwearf,

aldor of earde), | oththæt him eft onwoc

heah Healfdene; | heold thenden lifde,

gamol ond gudhreouw, | glæde Scyldingas.

Dhæm feower bearn | fordh gerimed


in worold wocun, | weoroda ræswan,

Heorogar ond Hrodhgar | ond Halga til;

hyrde ic thæt | wæs Onelan cwen,

Headhoscilfingas | healsgebedda.


Tha wæs Hrodhgare | heresped gyfen,


wiges weordhmynd, | thæt him his winemagas

georne hyrdon, | odhdh thæt seo geogodh geweox,

magodriht micel. | Him on mod bearn

thæt healreced | hatan wolde,

medoærn micel, | men gewyrcean


thonne yldo bearn | æfre gefrunon,

ond thær on innan | eall gedælan

geongum ond ealdum, | swylc him god sealde,

buton folcscare | ond feorum gumena.

Dha ic wide gefrægn | weorc gebannan


manigre mægthe | geond thisne middangeard,

folcstede frætwan. | Him on fyrste gelomp,

ædre mid yldum, | thæt hit weardh ealgearo,

healærna mæst; | scop him Heort naman

se the his wordes geweald | wide hæfde.


He beot ne aleh, | beagas dælde,

sinc æt symle. | Sele hlifade,

heah ond horngeap, | headhowylma bad,

ladhan liges; | ne wæs hit lenge tha gen

thæt se ecghete | athumsweorum


æfter wælnidhe | wæcnan scolde.