Bibliotheca Anglica

Middle English Literature


13th Century



Layamon's Brut (ca. 1205)

The Owl and the Nightingale (ca. 1210)

Ancrene Riwle (ca. 1220)

John of Guildford (fl. 1225)

King Horn (ca. 1250)

Floris and Blancheflor (ca. 1250)

It was upon a Shere Thorsday (ca. 1250)

Levedy, ich thanke thee ( ca. 1260)

Trush and Nightingale (ca. 1275)

Fox and Wolf (ca. 1275)

Dame Sirith (ca. 1275)

South English Legendary (ca. 1280)

Havelok the Dane (1280/1300)

Arthour and Merlin (ca. 1290)

Amis and Amiloun (ca. 1290)

Land of Cokaygne (ca. 1290)

I sike al when I singe (ca. 1290)