
um 830




Fitte XXXI






Sô uuîsda hie thuo mid uuordon,| stuod uuerod mikil

umbi that barn godes,| gehôrdun ina bi bili{d}on filo


umbi thesaro uueroldes giuuand| uuordon tellian;

quat that im ôc ên a{d}ales man| an is acker sâidi

hluttar hrêncorni| handon sînon:

uuolda im thar sô uunsames| uuastmes tilian,

fagares fruhtes.| Thuo geng thar is fîond aftar


thuru dernian hugi,| endi it all mid dur{d}u o{b}arsêu,

mid uueodo uuirsiston.| Thuo uuôhsun sia bê{d}iu,

ge that corn ge that crûd.| Sô quâmun gangan

is hagastoldos te hûs,| iro hêrren sagdun,

thegnos iro thiodne| thrîstion uuordon:


«huat, thu sâidos hluttar corn,| hêrro thie guodo,

[ênfald] an thînon accar:| nu ni gisihit ênig erlo than mêr

uueodes uuahsan.| Huî mohta that giuuer{d}an sô?»

Thuo sprak eft thie a{d}ales man| them erlon tegegnes,

thiodan uui{d} is thegnos,| quat that hie it magti undarthenkian uuel,


that im thar unhold man| aftar sâida,

fîond fêcni crûd:| «ne gionsta mi thero fruhtio uuel,

auuerda mi thena uuastom.»| Thuo thar eft uuini sprâkun,

is iungron tegegnes,| quâ{d}un that sia thar uueldin gangan tuo,

cuman mid craftu| endi lôsian that crûd thanan,


halon it mid iro handon.| Thuo sprac im eft iro hêrro angegin:

«ne uuelleo ik, that gi it uuiodon», quathie,| «huand gi biuuardon ni mugun,

gigômean an iuuuon gange,| thoh gi it gerno ni duan,

ni gi thes cornes te filo,| kî{d}o auuerdiat,

felliat under iuuua fuoti.| Lâte man sia for{d} hinan


bê{d}iu uuahsan,| und êr beuuod cume

endi an them felde sind| fruhti rîpia,

aroa an them accare:| than faran uui thar alla tuo,

halon it mid ûssan handon| endi that hrêncurni lesan

sû{b}ro tesamne| endi it an mînon seli duoian,


hebbean it thar gihaldan,| that it huergin ni mugi

uuiht auuerdian,| endi that uuiod niman,

bindan it te bur{d}innion| endi uuerpan it an bitar fiur,

lâton it thar haloian| hêta lôgna,

êld unfuodi.»| Thuo stuod erl manag,


thegnos thagiandi,| huat thiodgomo,

mâri mahtig Crist| mênean uueldi,

bôknien mid thiu bili{d}iu| barno rîkeost.

Bâdun thô sô gerno| gôdan drohtin

antlûcan thea lêra,| that [sia] môstin thea liudi for{d},


hêlaga hôrean.| Thô sprak [im] eft iro hêrro angegin,

[mâri] mahtig Crist:| «that is», qua{d} he, «mannes sunu:

ik sel{b}o [bium, that thar] sâiu,| endi sind thesa sâliga man

that hluttra hrêncorni,| thea mi hêr hôread uuel,

uuirkiad mînan uuillean;| thius uuerold is the akkar,


thit brêda bûland| barno mancunnies;

Satanas [sel{b}o| is, that thar] sâid [aftar]

[sô] lê{d}lîca lêra:| ha{b}ad thesaro liudeo sô filu,

uuerodes auuardid,| that sie uuam [frummead,]

uuirkead aftar is uuilleon;| thoh sculun sie hêr uuahsen for{d},


thea forgriponon gumon,| sô samo sô thea gôdun man,

anttat mûdspelles megin| o{b}ar man ferid,

endi thesaro [uueroldes.]| Than is allaro [accaro] gehuilic

gerîpod an thesumu rîkea:| sculun iro regangiscapu

frummien firiho barn.| Than tefarid er{d}a:


that is allaro beuuo brêdost;| than kumid the berhto drohtin

o{b}ana mid is engilo [craftu,]| endi cumad [alle] tesamne

liudi, the io thit lioht gisâun,| endi sculun than lôn antfâhan

u{b}iles endi gôdes.| Than gangad engilos godes,

hêlage he{b}enuuardos,| endi [lesat] thea hluttron man


sundor tesamne,| endi duat sie an sinscôni,

hôh himiles lioht,| endi thea ô{d}ra an [hellia grund,]

uuerpad thea faruuarhton| an uuallandi fiur;

thar sculun sie gibundene| bittra logna,

thrâuuerk tholon,| endi thea ô{d}ra thioduuelon


an he{b}enrîkea,| huîtaro sunnon

[liohtean] gelîco.| Sulic lôn nimad

uueros [uual]dâdeo.| Sô hue sô giuuit êgi,

gehugdi an is hertan,| ettha gihôrien mugi,

erl mid is ôrun,| sô lâta imu [thit an innan sorga,]


an is môdse{b}on,| huô he scal an themu mâreon dage

uui{d} thene rîkeon god| an [re{d}iu] standen

uuordo endi uuerko| [allaro, the] he an thesaro uueroldi giduod.

That is egislîcost| allaro thingo,

forhtlîcost firiho barnun,| that sie sculun uui{d} iro frâhon mahlien,


gumon uui{d} thene gôdan drohtin:| [than] uueldi gerno gehue uuesan,

allaro manno gehuilic| mênes tômig,

slî{d}ero sacono.| Aftar thiu scal sorgon êr

allaro liudeo gehuilic,| êr he thit lioht [afge{b}e,]

the [than] êgan uuili| [alungan] tîr,


hôh he{b}enrîki| endi huldi godes.»