Ferdinando Magellano

1480 - 1521


Relazione del primo viaggio

intorno al mondo


1519 - 1522






Novembre 1519


Passato ɋ hauessemo la linea equinotiale in verso el meridianno þ dessemo la tramontana et cosi se nauego tra el meso Jorno et garbin fino en vna tera che se dise la tera deL verzin in 23 gradi ½ aL polo antātico ɋ e tera deL capo de Sto augustino ɋ sta in 8 gradi aL medesimo polo do ue pigliassemo grā refrescho de galine batate pigne molte dolci fruto in vero piu gentiL que sia carne de anta como vaca canne dolci et altre cose infinite ɋ Lascio þ non essere þlixo þ vno amo da pescare o vno cortello dauano 5. ho 6. galinne þ vno petine vno paro de occati þ vno spequio ho vna forfice tanto pesce ɋ hauerebe bastato a x homini þ vno sonaglio o vna stringa vno cesto de batate. qƺste batate sonno aL mangiare como castagnie et longo como napi et þ vno re de danari ɋ e vna carta de Jocare me deteno 6. galine et pensauano anchora hauernj inganati.


After we had passed the equinoctial line going south, we lost the north star, and hence we sailed south south-west until [we reached] a land called the land of Verzin which lies in 23½ degrees of the Antarctic Pole [i.e., south latitude]. It is the land extending from the cape of Santo Augustino, which lies in 8 degrees of the same pole. There we got a plentiful refreshment of fowls, potatoes [batate], many sweet pine-apples – in truth the most delicious fruit that can be found – the flesh of the anta, which resembles beef, sugarcane, and innumerable other things, which I shall not mention in order not to be prolix. For one fishhook or one knife, those people gave 5 or 6 chickens; for one comb, a brace of geese; for one mirror or one pair of scissors, as many fish as would be sufficient for x men; for a bell or one leather lace, one basketful of potatoes [batate]. These potatoes resemble chestnuts in taste, and are as long as turnips. For a king of diamonds [danari], which is a playing card, they gave me 654 fowls and thought that they had even cheated me.