Ferdinando Magellano

1480 - 1521


Relazione del primo viaggio

intorno al mondo


1519 - 1522






Settembre 1522


Sabato a sey de septembre 1522 Jntrassemo nella baia de S. lucar se nõ disdoto homini et la mogior parte Jnfermy iL resto de sexanta q̃ partissemo da malucho qi morse de fame chi fugite nela ysola de timor et qi furenno amazati þ sui delicti daL tempo q̃ se partissemo de questa baya fin aL giorno pñte haueuão facto catordicy mille et quatro cento et saxanta leghe et piu Compiuto lo circulo deL mõdo deL leuante aL ponente.

Luni a octo de septembre butassemo lanchora ap̃so Lo molo de seuiglia et descaricassemo tuta lartigliaria Marti nuj tucti in Camisa et discalci andassemo cõ vna torcia þ vno in mano auisitare iL luoco de sa. maria de la victoria et qella de sta. maria de lantiqua.

Partendomi de seuiglia andai a vagliadolit oue apresentai a la sacra magesta de D. carlo non oro ne argento ma cose da essere assay apreciati da vn simiL Signiore fra le altre cose li detti vno libro scripto de mia mano de tucte le cose passate de giorno in giorno neL viagio nosto me parti de li aL meglio puoti et andai in portagalo et parlay aL re don Johanny de le cose haueua vedute.

Pssando þ la spagnia veni in fransa et feci donno de algune cose de lalto emisperio a la madre deL xp̃ianissimo re don francisco madama la regenta.

Poi me venni ne la Jtalia oue donnay þ sempre me medesimo et Queste mie poche faticque a lo Jnclito et Illustrissimo Signor philipo de Villers lisleadam grã maesto de rhodi dignissimo.


JL Caualier

Antonio Pagaphetta


On Saturday, September six, 1522, we entered the bay of San Lucar with only eighteen men and the majority of them sick, all that were left of the sixty men who left Malucho. Some died of hunger; some deserted at the island of Timor; and some were put to death for crimes. From the time we left that bay [of San Lucar] until the present day [of our return], we had sailed fourteen thousand four hundred and sixty leguas, and furthermore had completed the circumnavigation of the world from east to west.

On Monday, September eight, we cast anchor near the quay of Seviglia, and discharged all our artillery. Tuesday, we all went in shirts and barefoot, each holding a candle, to visit the shrine of Santa Maria de la Victoria [i.e., «St. Mary of Victory»], and that of Santa Maria de l'Antiqua [i.e., «St. Mary of Antiquity»].

Leaving Seviglia, I went to Vagliadolit [i.e., Valladolid], where I presented to his sacred Majesty, Don Carlo, neither gold nor silver, but things very highly esteemed by such a sovereign. Among other things I gave him a book, written by my hand, concerning all the matters that had occurred from day to day during our voyage. I left there as best I could and went to Portagalo where I spoke with King Johanni of what I had seen.

Passing through Spagnia, I went to Fransa where I made a gift of certain things from the other hemisphere to the mother of the most Christian king, Don Francisco, Madame the regent.

Then I came to Italia, where I established my permanent abode, and devoted my poor labors to the famous and most illustrious lord, Philipo de Villers Lisleadam, the most worthy grand master of Rhodi.


The Cavalier

Antonio Pagaphetta


La caracca Victoria