Bachelor Interaktive Medien Kurs Interaktion - Konzeption (IA6) g6.AKTION (1930230) __________________________________ March - June 2018
User Centered Design
during the project development processCourse Topics
Concept, Prototype, Evaluation, Re-Design:
Design and Use of
Personas, Hypothesis and UX -TestsApplication of User Centered Design methodes
culminating in Re-Design-Suggestions
based on User TestsUnderstanding and applying UX methodes
using the technical possiblities at UX-Lab of HS Augsburg
26. March 2018
All teams
short presentation (5-7 minutes)Lecture Prof. John
____________09. April 2018
Team Consultations
Personas and Context of Useparallel
Guided Tour UX-Lab
Consultations (W 3.22) UX-Lab (L 3.02) 14:00 LandsApp Öko Bond Roboter Arm Water Dome VR Mind Explorer 3D UI Friedhof Navi Food Cube 15:00 !! ALL !! W 3.22 Lecture Prof. John: Context of Use 15:30 Öko Bond LandsApp Water Dome Roboter Arm 3D UI VR Mind Explorer Food Cube Friedhof Navi
____________16. April 2018
Personas and Context of Use
Short Presentation: Two teams
____________30. April 2018
Hypothesis and MVP
Short Presentation: Two teams
____________28. May 2018
Results Test Phase 1
Short Presentation: Two teams+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
25. June 2018
14:00, W 3.22
FINAL delivery
Delivery o test results and Re-Design suggestions
(Presentation 18 minutes, Weblink)
Results of UX Test
Test scenarios, problem tables, Re-Design suggestions
>> include names of all team members into the document<<
>> include team name in file name: TeamName_Delivery.pdf <<
• HighLight-Video (5 Min., QuickTime H 2.64)
>> File name: <<Results
Vision (pdf) Personas (pdf)
updated: 26.03.18