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Oct 20, 2023
Alte Mensa (C1.22)

Der Gebäude- und Bausektor ist global für 38 % der CO2 Emissionen verantwortlich. Der von Architekturstudierenden organisierte Vortragsabend soll neue Perspektiven von klimagerechtem Bauen eröffnen, Einblicke in die aktuelle Forschung geben und Rahmenbedingungen für bereits gebaute Re-Use Projekte vorstellen.

Die Speaker sind Yayun Liu (MVRDV Rotterdam) und Michelle Schneider (ZHAW Zürich).

Die Vorträge und Podiumsdiskussion werden auf Englisch gehalten.


Windows of opportunity (Michelle Schneider)

Currently, less than 10% of flat glass is being recycled - a frightening statistic given the significant amount of glass being installed today and the only 25-year manufacturer's warranty. Michelle will present her research at the ZHAW, exploring the possibilities of window reuse and the logistical challenges involved.

Beyond and Before: Reimagining material’s second life (Yayun Liu)

Reusing not only contributes to sustainability, but also offers the opportunity to reimagine existing materials in other ways: Recompose the forms, repurpose the functions, and represent other stories. Yayun will talk about the pivotal role of data-driven design in this reimagination process, either beyond or before material’s second life, through several reuse case studies of MVRDV NEXT.

Sortenrein Bauen - Building Circular (Falk Schneemann)

The title stands for a method and philosophy which allows non-destructive disassembly of buildings for the aim of circularity. Falk Schneemann introduces this approach to designing and building with regards to methodology, material andconstruction.

Die Anmeldung erfolgt unter diesem Link.

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