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Long Night of the Sciences Augsburg

HSA_ias presents research projects in the field of digitalisation in healthcare

Oct 12, 2023

HSA_ias @Long Night of Science Augsburg!

The team of the Institute for Agile Software Development (HSA_ias) had great fun at the Long Night of Science: there was a lot of interest in the topic "Digitisation for better health". Among other things, the research projects SMILe and DigiPÜB were presented.

Posterbeitrag DigiPÜB, Elisabeth Mess

This year's conference focussed on a human-centric approach to e-healthcare. Presentations were given on topics such as sustainable digital services, Finland's new healthcare reform, diversity of AI, European regulations (e.g. AI Act), data security and future needs and wishes for digital health.

HSA_ias participated with a poster contribution on the DigiPÜB project of the joint research project CARE REGIO.

The poster contribution presented the current status of the project with a focus on the PIO ÜB Editor. This should enable carers to check, edit and export the new standard (PIO ÜB) for care transfer reports in Germany in the future.

Stadtrundgang in Helsinki, Elisabeth Mess

What was particularly striking at the conference was the contrast between the Finnish eHealth system and the German healthcare landscape. The Finnish eHealth system is miles ahead, with innovative approaches such as MyKanta, which is very similar to the German ePA (Electronic Patient Record) and has been operating successfully for several years. Another example is the reform of the health, social and emergency services in Finland, which was passed in January this year. Its main aim is to improve the availability and quality of basic public care throughout Finland. Telemedicine plays a crucial role in this.
Overall, Finnish society has successfully embraced digital healthcare solutions and is showing us what is possible.

Despite the great progress of the Finnish healthcare system, they face similar challenges. These include, for example: Research funding, GDPR or cyber security.