If you successfully completed vocational training and/or have several years of professional experience, you can also study without a school leaving certificate. You need a vocational qualification recognized in Germany (e.g. master, technician). This vocational qualification needs to be equivalent to a German vocational qualification.

The equivalence of your vocational qualification needs to be verified by a Chamber. A Chamber represents the interests of specific careers or career groups. Therefore, you need to contact the Chamber responsible for you (Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Swabia – the IHK Foreign Skills Approval (IHK FOSA) – responsible for commercial, industrial, technical and trade careers, or the Swabian Chamber of Crafts, responsible for craft professions) and request a certificate of equivalence for your vocational qualification. 

Successful participation in an obligatory interview is also a prerequisite for a course of studies (or a trial course of studies) at the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences. You arrange an appointment for the interview directly in the Faculty.