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Groundbreaking for the new Technology Transfer Center in Aichach.

Aichach and the Wittelsbacher Land are becoming university locations

Markus Steck, Managing Director of ZÜBLIN Timber GmbH, Klaus Habermann, Mayor of the City of Aichach, Alfred Kailing, Deputy Managing Director of the Chamber of Crafts for Swabia, Peter Tomaschko, Member of the State Parliament, Markus Blume, MdL, Bavarian State Minister for Science and Art, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gordon Thomas Rohrmair, President of Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, Dr. Klaus Metzger, District Administrator of the District of Aichach-Friedberg –Image: Matthias Leo/THA
Aug 30, 2023

Since the decision of the Bavarian Cabinet on April 25, 2023, there is certainty: The district of Aichach-Friedberg will become a university location! In the city of Aichach, an outpost of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg is being established for the first time in the form of a Technology Transfer Center (TTZ). The certificate of appointment was handed over by the Bavarian State Minister for Science and Art, Markus Blume, to the state parliamentarian Peter Tomaschko, who, in collaboration with the Bavarian State Government, the President of Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gordon Thomas Rohrmair, and District Administrator Dr. Klaus Metzger, had been advocating for this university location for years.

Congratulations on the groundbreaking ceremony on August 30, 2023


Minister of Science Markus Blume, MdL: "In Aichach, we have the THA's TTZ, our Swabian turbo-TTZ: announced in the government statement at the end of April and already breaking ground today. Thanks to the Hightech Agenda Bayern, THA is expanding at record speed, making Aichach-Friedberg with the TTZ a university location and think tank for the construction industry—a key economic sector in the region. With the new TTZ, we bring scientific knowledge to the field and into practice. This way, Bavarian construction will continue to be shaped from North Swabia in the future. This is how we shape the future at home! Many thanks to Peter Tomaschko and all the other responsible parties for their great efforts on-site!"

Member of the State Parliament Peter Tomaschko: "The TTZ is a real milestone for our district and will elevate the educational region of Wittelsbacher Land to a new level. The thematic focus of the TTZ fits perfectly with our economic region of Wittelsbacher Land, characterized by medium-sized family businesses and craft enterprises. With the TTZ, we connect craftsmanship and science in our district of Aichach-Friedberg."

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gordon Thomas Rohrmair, President of the Technische Hochschule Augsburg: "In the TTZ, we have the opportunity to network with other research institutions and companies to jointly develop innovative solutions for technologically complex issues. Small businesses, such as those in the crafts sector, will benefit significantly from this development potential. Additionally, students will be on-site in Aichach, working together with researchers at the TTZ."

Dr. Klaus Metzger, District Administrator of Aichach-Friedberg: "The TTZ Aichach is a significant step for the district of Aichach-Friedberg and Wittelsbacher Land. It was a very, very tight schedule. But it has shown that when everyone pursues a common goal and pulls together, we are able to make decisions quickly and pragmatically. This demonstrates that even large projects can be implemented quickly and pragmatically."

Klaus Habermann, Mayor of Aichach: "For our city of Aichach, this TTZ represents a real quantum leap in successful location development. With the TTZ, we create environments that connect our highly motivated companies from Aichach and the region and integrate them into the scientific process of digitizing planning and manufacturing processes in construction."

Alfred Kailing, Deputy Managing Director of the Chamber of Crafts for Swabia: "In the craft sector, we face major challenges, especially in the construction industry. This is exactly where the TTZ Aichach comes in, offering companies opportunities for innovative solutions. Thank you for closely involving the craft sector in the TTZ Aichach."

Markus Steck, Managing Director: "We, ZÜBLIN Timber, as a traditional company strongly connected to the region, are very pleased to support and use the Technologietransferzentrum. This has created an important and major milestone that strengthens the region and local companies like ours, allowing us to continue using it for our developments. With this, relevant and urgent issues related to digital construction can be bundled and advanced in the future. We are glad and proud to be partners in this joint endeavor."

Impressions from the groundbreaking ceremony

TTZ Aichach: Spatenstich
TTZ Aichach: (von Links) Landtagsabgeordneter Peter Tomaschko, Wissenschaftsminister Markus Blume, MdL, und Landrat Dr. Klaus Metzger
TTZ Aichach: Landtagsabgeordneter Peter Tomaschko
TTZ Aichach: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gordon Thomas Rohrmair, Präsident der THA
TTZ Aichach: Spatenstich
TTZ Aichach: Alfred Kailing, stv. Hauptgeschäftsführer der Handwerkskammer für Schwaben
TTZ Aichach: Spatenstich
TTZ Aichach: Spatenstich
TTZ Aichach: Spatenstich
TTZ: Forschungsfeld Massivbau – hier Materialien für Carbonrecyclingbeton
TTZ Aichach: Spatenstich
TTZ Aichach: Spatenstich
TTZ Aichach: Spatenstich
TTZ Aichach: Spatenstich
TTZ Aichach: Wissenschaftsminister Markus Blume, MdL
TTZ Aichach: Landrat Dr. Klaus Metzger
TTZ Aichach: Klaus Habermann, Erster Bürgermeister der Stadt Aichach
TTZ Aichach: Markus Steck, Direktionsleiter Ed. ZÜBLIN AG, Direktion Ulm
TTZ Aichach: Spatenstich
TTZ Aichach: Spatenstich
TTZ Aichach: Spatenstich
TTZ Aichach: Spatenstich
TTZ Aichach: Forschungsfeld Digitaler Holzbau
TTZ Aichach: Spatenstich

© Matthias Leo / THA

The TTZ Aichach has already started its work.


Under the scientific leadership of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Huber, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sergej Rempel, and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christopher Robeller from the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the Technische Hochschule Augsburg (THA), the TTZ in Aichach has already begun its work. In collaboration with the Chamber of Crafts for Swabia, the TTZ has been able to attract numerous cooperation partners from the regional business community. ZÜBLIN Timber, a company deeply rooted in the district, has been selected as the location for the new Technology Transfer Center. The research and development activities will take place on their premises in Aichach and will be integrated into the TTZ network of TH Augsburg. With today's groundbreaking ceremony, the TTZ is entering the home stretch and will soon be able to start operations. "In November, a kick-off event will take place, where we will invite interested companies to contribute their project ideas," says Mareile Hertel, Managing Director of TTZ Aichach.

Strengthening the innovation capacity of small and medium-sized enterprises, particularly in rural areas.


Overall, the Free State of Bavaria is investing over 100 million euros to establish 15 new technology transfer centers throughout Bavaria, affiliated with respective regional universities. The Free State of Bavaria provides an initial funding of 3.75 million euros for personnel and equipment (e.g., laboratory facilities) for the new TTZ in Aichach. The city of Aichach and the district of Aichach-Friedberg are responsible for providing the facilities and infrastructure.

By expanding these centers, the Free State aims, through the "Hightech Transfer Bayern" program, to strengthen the innovation capacity of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially in rural areas. The goal is to conduct application-oriented research and development in collaboration with local businesses. The thematic focuses align with the economic structure of businesses in each respective region.

TTZ for Digital Planning and Manufacturing in Construction.


Am Standort in Aichach soll der Schwerpunkt im Zukunftsfeld „digitales Planen und Fertigen im Bauwesen“ liegen. Dazu unterstützt das TTZ Unternehmen aus der Bauwirtschaft, besonders auch Handwerksbetriebe, mit Lösungsansätzen im Bereich des innovativen Massiv- und Holzbaus sowie mit maßgeschneiderten Weiterbildungsangeboten. So liegt der Fokus unter anderem auf der Weiterentwicklung von alternativen Materialien im Betonbau und der Weiterentwicklung der Produktionsmethoden. Im Bereich des digitalen Holzbaus wird der Schwerpunkt auf die Entwicklung automatisierter Fertigungsprozesse und digitaler Planungstools gelegt. Dabei werden Forschungsergebnisse aus diesen stark gefragten Themenbereichen in die Unternehmen der Region transferiert und in gemeinsamen Forschungsvorhaben neue Technologien entwickelt. Es wird im TTZ in Aichach aber nicht nur geforscht und entwickelt: Für Studierende der Technischen Hochschule Augsburg und für Mitarbeitende von Unternehmen werden zudem auch Seminare und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten angeboten. So können sich Unternehmen maßgeschneiderte Schulungen organisieren lassen.


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