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World Usability Day in Augsburg

HSA_ias presents the SMILe and DARE research projects

Nov 10, 2022

HSA_ias @WUD Augsburg!

Under the motto "Our Health", this year's World Usability Day (WUD) in Augsburg focussed on the usability of systems used for healthcare.
The SMILe Care 2.0 research projects and new findings from the DARE project were presented.

SMILe Care 2.0

HSA_ias stellt SMILe Care 2.0 beim WUD Augsburg vor
Quelle: Team23

SMILe Care 2.0: Designing and implementing user-centred expert software for nursing staff

The aim of the SMILe research project is to use eHealth to optimise patient care after a stem cell transplant. With SMILe Care 2.0, the presentation of patients' vital signs becomes clearer, which ultimately determines their well-being.

How do design and development manage to consistently focus on the needs of carers, both in the conception phase and after the release, and sustainably improve the user experience?



Ethical aspects of software development in the health/care sector

The DARE project is looking at the impact of the eHealth application SMILe in aftercare and wants to analyse the influence on ethical and social aspects, among other things. At the centre of the research are questions about the change in the relationship between carers and patients when data takes centre stage and about the role of the design of the technology.