
RISE-Studentin Summer Prentice berichtet von ihrem Research Internship


Summer Prentice studiert Bau- und Umweltingenieurwesen an der University of North Carolina in Charlotte, USA. Diesen Sommer besuchte sie für ca. drei Monate die Hochschule Augsburg im Rahmen des DAAD-Programms „RISE“ (Research Internships in Science and Engineering). An der Fakultät für Architektur und Bauwesen begleitete sie dabei die Forschungsaktivitäten von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sergej Rempel zum Thema Carbonbeton und die F&E-Projekte am Institut für Holzbau (HSA_ifh). Hier ein Kurzbericht über ihren Alltag und ihre Erfahrungen in Augsburg:


A typical day started with test preparations. So, transporting the specimen into the lab space, attaching any additional equipment, and calculating out the load(s). We would then run the test and discuss the outcome before breaking everything down and taking the old specimen out to make room for the next test. Some days were more office-oriented which included reading up on papers, writing translations, and working in excel to interpret some previous results. I found it interesting being able to compare the results of two different research projects that were happening at the same time. In the early stages of my internship, it was heavily Carbon Fiber Reinforced Concrete focused. I did some internet research afterward and a report on the shear aspects. Then, while waiting for the new test specimens to arrive I started helping more with Timber-Concrete Composite research under Michael Mikoschek. This was a great and unique experience to see the differences between the two building systems, their results, and the possible applications of each.

A highlight of the internship was getting to experience the campus and department atmosphere. The University held an event predicting the force at which a timber beam would break and its deflections. Through this, I got to see how some of the calculations or standards are different from what I’ve learned so far at my home University. There were some formulas and safety factors that I had never seen or heard of before and I was excited to see their applications and how the curriculum we’re taught differs. Through the DAAD-RISE program, I was able to gain a lot of technical knowledge in my Civil Engineering research while simultaneously experiencing a new culture and learning a new language. I think this program would be an amazing experience for students from all over the world and I have even recommended it to other students from my home university.

Ein paar Eindrücke von ihrem Besuch und von Freizeitaktivitäten außerhalb des Praktikums gibt es auf Instagram zu sehen:

Informationen zum DAAD-Programm „RISE Germany“ sind hier zu finden:


International Faculty Coordinator:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sergej Rempel

Institut für Holzbau:
Markus Brand
Michael Mikoschek